Node.js – How to connect to MySQL

By | 04/03/2020

In this post, we will see how to connect a Node application with the MySQL Db called “DbManagerUser”, created in the post: MySQL – How to create a DB.

First of all, we open Visual Studio Code, we open a terminal and we install the MySQL Module, using the command
npm install mysql
Then, we create an entity called “useritem” and a node.js script called “readmysql”:


function UserItem(userid, username, usertype) 
    this.UserId = userid;
    this.UserName = username;
    this.UserType = usertype;

module.exports = UserItem;


// import Class "userItem"
var UserItemClass = require("./useritem")
// import MySQL
const mysql = require('mysql');

// Method definition
function ReadData(strSql, callback)
    // Define the array result
    var lstUserItem = [];

    // Connection string definition
    const con = mysql.createConnection({
        host: '',
        user: 'test',
        password: '$Test123',
        database: 'DbManageUser'

    // Opening the connection
    con.connect((err) => {
        console.log('Error connecting to Db');

    // Running the query
    con.query(strSql, (err,rows) => {
        if(err) throw err;

        rows.forEach( (row) => {
            lstUserItem.push(new UserItemClass(row.UserId, row.UserName, row.UserType));
        // define the callback
        return callback(lstUserItem);

    // Closing the connection
    con.end((err) => {
            console.log('Error closing connection');

module.exports = {

Finally, we create our principal Node script called “testmysql”:


var objData = require('./readmysql');
var UserItemClass = require("./useritem")

var strSql = "select A.UserId, A.UserName, B.UserType from TabUser A inner join TabUserType B on A.UserType = B.IdUserType"

var lstUserItem = objData.ReadData(strSql, 
    // callback function
        result.forEach(element => {
            console.log(element.UserId + " - " + element.UserName + " - " + element.UserType);

If we run the application, this will be the output:

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