Python – How to connect to MySQL

By | 05/02/2020

In this post, we will see how to connect a Python application with the MySQL Db called “DbManagerUser”, created in the post: MySQL – How to create a DB.

First of all, in order to install the MySQL connector for Python, we run the command pip install mysql-connector-python.

Then, we open Visual Studio Code and we define an entity called “UserItem” and a Python script called “CoreForMySQL”:


class UserItem:
    def __init__(self, userid, username, usertype):
        self.UserId = userid
        self.UserName = username
        self.UserType = usertype


import mysql.connector
from UserItem import UserItem

def ExtractListUsers():
    # define list of Users
    lstUser = []
        # MySQL server connection string definition
        connect = mysql.connector.connect(user='test', password='$Test123',
        # Query definition
        strSql = "select A.UserId, A.UserName, B.UserType from TabUser A inner join TabUserType B on A.UserType = B.IdUserType"
        # Cursor definition used to run the query
        cursor = connect.cursor()

        # getting records from the query

        # fetching all records from the cursor
        records = cursor.fetchall()

        # Putting all data in the lstUser array
        for item in records:
            objUser = UserItem(item[0], item[1], item[2])

        # connection close

        return lstUser

    # define expects
    except mysql.connector.Error as err:
        if err.errno == errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR:
            print("Access denied")
        elif err.errno == errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR:
            print("Database does not exist")
# users list
listUser = ExtractListUsers()

# read the list
for item in listUser:
    print(f"ID:{item.UserId} / UserName:{item.UserName} / Type:{item.UserType}")

Now, if we run the script, this will be the result:

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